Prof. Juan G. Navarro Floria

Professor of Law, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina | Argentina
Juan Navarro Floria graduated in law with honors from the Pontificia Universidad Catòlica Argentina, where he is now Professor of Law, teaching civil law, ecclesiastical law, and law and religion in Latin America. He is also a lawyer and litigator in these fields. He was Chief Advisor to the Secretariat of Religious Affairs of the Argentine Government, founder, board member, and past president of the Argentine Council of Religious Freedom (CALIR), and also founder and past-president of the Latin American Consortium for Religious Freedom. He is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies (ICLRS – BYU), of the National Committee ‘Justicia y Paz’ at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Argentina, and founder and member of the Steering Committee of the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS – Milan). Publications include El derecho a la objección de conciencia (2004), La libertad religiosa en España y Argentina (co-editor, 2006), Estado, Derecho y Religión en América Latina (editor, 2009; Italian 2010), and Acuerdos y concordatos entre la Santa Sede y los países americanos (editor, 2011).