Bio: Dion A. Forster

Dion A. Forster

Dion A. Forster is an Associate Professor in Systematic Theology and Ethics with a research focus in Public Theology. He serves as the Head of Department, Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology, and as the Director of the Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology at the University of Stellenbosch. He completed his first PhD in theology and science in 2006 at the University of South Africa, and a second PhD in New Testament studies at Radboud University in the Netherlands in 2017. His most recent books are: ‘African Public Theology‘ (Langham, 2020, co-edited with Sunday Agang and Jurgens Hendriks), ‘Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Violence in Africa‘ (SUN media, 2020, co-edited with Christo Thesnaar and Marius Nel), ‘Teologia Pública no Brasil e na África do Sul – Um diálogo teológico-político‘ (Sinodal, 2020, co-edited with Rudolf von Sinner and Claudette Beisa Ulrich), and ‘Freedom of Religion at Stake‘ (Wipf & Stock, 2019, co-edited with Göran Gunner and Elisabeth Gerle). His most recent monograph is entitled ‘The (im)possibility of forgiveness?‘ (Wipf & Stock, 2019). He has written numerous other books and scholarly articles. He serves as a research associate at Wesley House, University of Cambridge and the Allan Gray Centre for Values Based Leadership, University of Cape Town. He is a member of the Berlin Institute of Public Theology, at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and is also a member of World Economic Forum’s ‘Expert Network’, and the GERIS Network (Global Exchange on Religion and Society) of the European Union.